Monday, March 30, 2009

Social Networks are like the Manhattan Bar Scene

Social Networks are like the Manhattan Bar Scene - well at least that is how it looks from the outside looking in on this fickle internet world. Myspace is not cool anymore - as Social Media Expert so 'expertly' put it " Todays cultural icon is tomorrows passing fad". Sad, but true.

Facebook is receiving a lot of love in the social media headlines and Twitter is the latest and greatest. There are so many more up and coming social platforms... that the moment I write about them here, they may already be irrelevant.

So how does a brand figure out what works for them now? How do they remain relevant? How do they know they are lining up outside the coolest bar in town ready and willing to pay their entrance fee? The short answer is they don't. The longer response takes us down the path of marketer responsibility. I have said this a few times before, but why do so many brands place their IP into their agencies hands? Why do marketers in these organizations not wish to take their brands public perception into their own hands? There are a plethora of reasons as to why this happens, but going forward, in a recession no less, i think we will see brand managers, marketers and co making sure they, along with their agencies, know the right bar to visit on a Saturday night as well as the right publisher to spend their money with. Who that will be in 6 months time remains to be seen....

Facebook and Twitter are currently the bars, sorry publishers, of choice for many brands... what's yours?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Market To The Max

Im on a panel titled Getting Results from Social Media – Success Stories & Proven Tactics from Leading Digital Experts. Thanks to the brilliant Blake Cahill from Visible Technologies who has helped to bring myself and fellow panelists together to disucss such a timely topic.
If you are in seattle and can make it down today please do. Details can be found at:

Getting Results from Social Media – Success Stories & Proven Tactics from Leading Digital Experts

Twitter, Podcasting, Facebook, Online Video, Blogging – it’s enough to make a marketers head swim. Join us as our panel of experts and practitioners explain the latest in social media, and what’s really working.
Moderator: Blake Cahill, Visible Technologies
Panelists: Sean O’Driscoll, Ant’s Eye View
Jessica Michaels, Wunderman
Stephen Rose, Microsoft
Lisa Coffey, Google