Saturday, October 18, 2008

FM Conference

Just got back from San Fran after attending the FM Conversation Marketing conference. All the usual suspects were there and it was a really intersting two days. Most interesting discussion to me on day one was the "Why we can't measure this space?" panel. Adam Gerber, CMO of Quantcast disagreed. He thinks we can measure the space and that Quantcast is the first and only direct-measurement solution that equips all publishers to characterize their increasingly dynamic online audiences. From the demo i have had of their solution i would tend to agree. Morever, it also enables marketers to search for, discover, and validate specific target segments that are most relevant to them in order to tie together the complexities of media planning and delivery. Bascially, through Quantcast, I can segment my audience based more around behaviour as opposed to traditional demographics. I can also address the opportunity that long tail of advertising now presents us with - something that i am not seeing Nielsen or Comscore making a whole lot of headway in. Would love thoughts,feedback on this - social media measurement in general - and check out the FM site for transcripts and videos of the event.

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