Thursday, November 6, 2008

Social Networking is Like Real Estate

A good friend of mine who works in 'digital land' made the most fantastic observation yesterday. She said
...Facebook is the neighbourhood that I want (my brand) to live in!.
She likened this social platfrom to a piece of land, or a house, within a neighborhood that she would want to live and invest in.

People pick places to live for very different reasons....some choose location, some choose to be near their friends and family, some make decisions based on cost - cheaper to locate to an "up and coming area" than to the pricer, older, already developed locations. Others do it because they just "fell in love" with the place.

I am sure by now you are seeing where i am going with this. After my recent experience with Myspace I can safely say that Facebook is the "neighbourhood" i would like ( my clients!) to live in. The Myspace Neighbourhood needs to clean up a little first, build better infrastructure, and be a little more neighborly before I consider investing!!

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